Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Introducing Genius Hour

Today, I introduced Genius Hour to my B day English I students. Tomorrow, I will do so with A day and with my eighth graders. The students I taught last year are familiar with it, but I am adding three new components this year:

* Driving Questions are required

* Blogging the learning journey is required (students blogs will be in the Blogs I Follow link in the upper right)

* Resources used will be compiled in MLA format in the final presentation

I love seeing the excitement on their faces as we get this process underway! Students who did this last year walked in, saw the Promethean board, and fist-pumped and couldn't wait for class to start.

I'm already hearing of some great Driving Questions. A few I heard today were:

*How can we help foster children feel like they are part of a family?
* Can I learn to play the cello?
* What kinds of social experiments can I perform?

I can't WAIT to see what they do this year! More to come...

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