Tuesday, April 7, 2015

First Day of Research!

As you can see from the growing list to the right of this post, my students are all getting their blogs and starting to document their learning journey during their Genius Hour research. If any of the links go to HTML code instead of a blog, go up to the URL address and take off everything after .com and it works. I'm still trying to figure out why it does that only for certain blogs. I've taken their links out of my list and put them back in over and over with the correct address, and blogger seems to add extra text after the .com just to some of them. Frustrating, but I guess technology comes with it's own issues to be overcome! Hopefully our wonderful campus IMS will be able to help me resolve this issue.

Today was our first day in the computer lab, and it's always fun to me to hear them talk about their projects. Because they are choosing their topics, they're very excited and passionate. Many students started their research long before we officially started it in school, some of them as long ago as last semester or even last summer.

Here's Danielle hard at work on her first blog entry:

Kaiya was getting a lot of information down in her journal before writing her first blog post:

More pictures as the process goes on!

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